Our Stone Polishing Experts Restore the Shine of This Marble Floor in Scottsdale
December 30, 2024
A beautiful entry is essential to making guests feel at home in a new place. That's why a Scottsdale homeowner always took care of making her large entryway feel welcoming, and for the most part, she was satisfied with her work. The only flaw she could find was that the marble floor didn't look as impressive as it did when she first bought the house, and this wasn't surprising given the amount of foot traffic happening inside the house.
She knew that regular cleaners wouldn't do much against the etch marks she found on the surface upon a closer look, so she started looking for a professional stone polishing service in Scottsdale. Her search yielded terrific results, and the homeowner was excited to contact Sir Grout Phoenix after coming across our picture gallery.
A few days after her phone call with one of our agents, she welcomed our specialists into her house, where they immediately started inspecting the marble floor. It was apparent that the homeowner took good care of the surface, scrubbing off any shoe prints or mud carried over from outside. Still, the stone tiles looked somewhat duller and rougher. They shone faintly, even when the sun hit the marble from the entrance door.
The homeowner knew the marble surface was due for good polishing, but our techs explained that regular cleaners may have increased the stone's deterioration. These products have acidic imbalances that corrode hard surfaces over time, altering the color of natural stone and giving the tiles a rundown appearance after exposing them to chemical ingredients. The solution was cleaning the floor with our non-abrasive equipment before getting to hone and polish the surface, so our techs offered to return later for the job.
At the client's convenience, they returned to the house several days later and immediately readied their equipment. To clean the entrance floor, they soaked the surface with a non-toxic formula and ran a high-speed scrubber over every inch of the tiles. This way, they removed any residue left by foot traffic or soap-based cleaners, ensuring that nothing remained on the floor when it was time to polish the stone.
Next, our experts used three sets of diamond pads to remove all the etch marks on the tiles. As the imperfections faded from the floor, they increased the level of grit, eventually leaving the entire surface with a nice matte finish. Their cue was to apply their special polishing powders to complete the job and restore the marble's natural sheen.
Our specialists completed the process by applying stone-safe sealant to the floor to protect the porous surface from wear and tear. The marble would keep its brand-new look longer without collecting stains or etch marks after weeks of foot traffic.
The client and her family were ecstatic with the result; the newly restored floor made the entire entryway look more striking and elegant, creating the impression the homeowner had been trying to achieve for so long. She thanked our techs for their hard work and promised to recommend our services to more people in Scottsdale.
These are the recommendations we have for improving the maintenance of marble surfaces. Our crew explained during their visit that consistent cleaning sessions won't do much if you use the wrong products and equipment. We always recommend Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner to get excellent results in all parts of the house consistently. Our cleaner combines high-quality ingredients to remove stains more effectively, so it works like a charm on spills, shoe prints, mold, mildew, and more. Moreover, it's safer for people and pets because no toxic fumes are released into the air.
Our second recommendation was to avoid steel wool and other abrasive tools since they can leave scratch marks on the tiles without removing all the embedded dirt. The best alternative is a mop, a towel, or a terry cloth. Remember to wash your cleaning tools before using them to avoid transferring the dirt to other parts of your house. Last but not least, we suggest leaving the windows open to help the room's ventilation. Entryways and mudrooms aren't usually affected by the effects of moisture buildup, but good indoor ventilation still helps prevent mold in other parts of the house.
Can't get all the dirt off your floors? The specialists at Sir Grout Phoenix will happily assist you with top-tier hard surface restoration services, including the most effective methods to revamp marble and other natural stone surfaces. To learn more about our stone restoration process, call (480) 588-0731 or schedule a free quote online. Also, don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss our latest promotions and updates.